最近,冒險型巡航車市場非常活動,而另一台最新款標榜高性能2014 Aprilia Caponord 1200 TRAVEL PACK抵港。車身焦點是採用ADD全智能頭、尾電子避震,車主還可以利用智能手機下載專用Apps與車輛溝通,把旅程距離、最高車速、平均車速、平均耗 油量及車身傾則角度等的數據一目了然,軑把上還有定速巡航按鈕,只要一按,無須扭動油門,車輛便自動行駛。 Aprilia近年在賽道及市販市場均有豐富斬獲,除了我們熟識的RSV4、TUONO、Dorsoduro、RS4 125及 Sportcity外,其實她們早年已進軍冒險巡航車市場,而2002年推出的Aprilia ETV 1000 Caponord就是衝著BMW R1150GS而來。隨著這類車款近年在歐洲熱賣,Aprilia決定為Caponord進行全面改良,新車不單有旗艦Superbike RSV4的車頭造型,還有不斷感應路面作出調整的ADD智能電子避震,說到底,又一台高科技電子車面世了 Every day a new adventure awaits you. Get ready to live it with the new Caponord 1200, the latest Aprilia design that changes the world of street enduro bikes: the utmost comfort, for one or two riders, combined with the sportiness that only Aprilia Racing’s experience can guarantee. Caponord 1200 will surprise you with its evolved cycle parts, its powerful twin cylinder 1200 cc displacement engine, and its exclusive electronic equipment which comes standard on all versions. |